INSpire Hub

【快樂滿載 電車派對等你來 Joyful Ride: Tram Party Awaits You】




As 2024 draws to a close, this year has been filled with countless joyful moments and memories. Now, let’s celebrate together🎉!

We warmly invite all tenants to join the upcoming “Tram Party🚋”, where you can enjoy the unique and beautiful scenery of Hong Kong Island in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. Hop on the tram with us for a journey of happiness. The event will also feature a handmade eco-soap workshop, along with delicious snacks and drinks for everyone to enjoy🍹.

Sign up now via the Infinitus Plaza App and let’s end this year on a high note with even more happy memories~

日期 Date:11月22日 22 November(五 Friday)

時間 Time:6-8:30pm

🔸行程安排 Event Schedule🔸

6pm:專車將由無限極廣場出發,前往屈地街電車廠登上電車 A shuttle bus will depart from Infinitus Plaza to the tram depot on Whitty Street to board the tram

8:30pm:於上環(西港城)電車站離開 Departure from Sheung Wan (Western Market) tram stop 

*名額有限,先到先得。Limited seats only, first come first served.

^受條款及細則約束。如有任何爭議,爽物業有限公司保留最終決定權。Terms and Conditions apply. Infinitus Plaza reserves the right of final decision in case of any dispute.

#為了讓不同的租戶單位都有機會參與,最終的出席名單有機會以抽籤方式決定。To ensure that most tenant units have an opportunity to participate, the final attendance list might be determined by a lucky draw.

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