INSpire Hub

【書寫聖誕祝福 交換節日驚喜】 當神秘祝福信件遇上聖誕節,會碰撞出怎麼樣的暖心火花? 聖誕的腳步悄然...

【書寫聖誕祝福 交換節日驚喜】 當神秘祝福信件遇上聖誕節,會碰撞出怎麼樣的暖心火花? 聖誕的腳步悄然臨近,Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza誠邀租戶們化身「神秘聖誕天使」,在我們精心設計的節日信紙上,寫下一句最想要傳遞的祝福,亦或是一句溫暖的話語,投入特設的聖誕信箱中📬。 12月20日,聖誕老人將親臨現場🎅🏻,將這些滿載心意的信件隨機派送給參與者。而聖誕老人更會派送神秘禮物,為你帶來意想不到的驚喜。 也許你的一份心意會成為他人節日裡最快樂的記憶,更感受到節日裡純粹的浪漫和善意。讓我們一同用紙筆施展冬日魔法,點亮彼此的聖誕時光🌟。 日期:即日起-12月19日 地點:6/F, Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza 【Write Christmas Blessings And Exchange Festive Surprises】 What kind of heartwarming sparks will fly when a mysterious blessing letter meets Christmas? As the festive season approaches, Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza invites tenants to become ”Secret Christmas Angels.“ On our specially designed holiday stationery, write down a heartfelt blessing or a warm message you wish to share and place it into the designated Christmas mailbox 📬. On December 20, Santa Claus will make a special appearance 🎅🏻 to randomly deliver these heartfelt letters to participants. Santa will also bring mysterious gifts to surprise you in unexpected ways. Perhaps your thoughtful words will become someone else’s happiest memory this holiday season, spreading the pure romance and kindness of Christmas. Let us come together, using pen and paper to weave a little winter magic and brighten each other’s Christmas moments 🌟. Date: Today-19 December Venue: 6/F, Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza #創造更快樂的地方 #聖誕快樂 #聖誕節 #聖誕快樂 #交換禮物 #HappyMoment #infinitusplaza #market #merrychristmas #santa #xmas

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