INSpire Hub

【冬日浪漫物語 —「無限聖誕市集」驚喜登場】 踏入歲末,聖誕的序曲已悄然響起。 下週,無限極廣場將搖身...

【冬日浪漫物語 —「無限聖誕市集」驚喜登場】 踏入歲末,聖誕的序曲已悄然響起。 下週,無限極廣場將搖身一變,化身為浪漫夢幻的聖誕樂園,為大家呈獻 「無限聖誕市集」!琳瑯滿目的特色商品應有盡有:滿載溫暖與心思的手工藝品🎁,增添濃厚聖誕氣氛的應節小物🎄,足不出戶探索世界的異國精品🌍,以及用傳統工藝書寫節日故事的非物質文化遺產作品等等🖼️。 整個市集更點綴著夢幻浪漫的冬日元素,絕對是感受聖誕氣氛或影相打卡的絕佳場地。歡迎大家攜家人朋友一同前來,感受節日的溫暖與歡樂,共同編織難忘的聖誕回憶✨~ 日期:12月9日-22日 時間:11:30am-8pm 地點:上環德輔道中199號無限極廣場地下G/F 【A Winter Tale of Romance — The “Infinitus Xmas Market” is Here!】 As the year draws to a close, the melody of Christmas has quietly begun. Next week, Infinitus Plaza will transform into a dreamy and romantic Christmas wonderland, presenting the ”Infinitus Xmas Market“! Explore an array of delightful treasures: heartfelt handmade crafts 🎁, festive decorations to elevate your holiday spirit 🎄, exotic goods from around the world 🌍, and intangible cultural heritage creations that tell the story of the season through traditional craftsmanship 🖼️. The market is adorned with enchanting winter-themed elements, making it the perfect place to soak up the Christmas ambiance or snap memorable photos. Bring your family and friends to experience the warmth and joy of the season and weave unforgettable holiday memories together ✨~ Date: 9-22 December Time: 11:30am-8pm Venue: G/F, Infinitus Plaza, 199 Des Voeux Road Central, Sheung Wan #創造更快樂的地方 #聖誕快樂 #香港市集 #上環好去處 #聖誕節 #聖誕快樂 #HappyMoment #infinitusplaza #market #merrychristmas #santa #xmas

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