INSpire Hub

【歡樂無限萬聖夜 — Halloween怪奇冒險之旅來襲】 萬聖節將至,無限極廣場特別為大家準備了一系列精彩有趣...

【歡樂無限萬聖夜 — Halloween怪奇冒險之旅來襲】 萬聖節將至,無限極廣場特別為大家準備了一系列精彩有趣的活動,讓你心跳加速,驚喜不斷! 🎃拯救南瓜精靈大行動🎃 快樂魔法的守護者——南瓜精靈們被大魔王捉走了!勇敢的你需要拯救3個南瓜精靈,或挑戰不定期出現、身上藏有稀有鎖匙的大魔王,即可兌換精美的萬聖節小禮物!現場還有快樂魔女和幽靈戰士現身助陣,為你的冒險增添無限勇氣。 👻租戶尊享 — 膽量大挑戰👻 是勇者還是膽小鬼?快來挑戰神秘箱,探索隱藏未知的驚喜,趕快來測試一下自己的勇氣指數吧! 🍬租戶尊享 — Trick or Treat🍬 萬聖節怎麼少得了「不給糖就搗蛋」的經典橋段呢?趕快換上你的萬聖節服裝和甜甜的微笑,讓萬聖夜充滿驚喜和歡笑! *名額有限,先到先得。 ^受條款及細則約束。如有任何爭議,無限極廣場保留最終決定權。 【Infinite Fun Halloween Night — The Spooky Halloween Adventure Awaits】 As Halloween approaches, Infinitus Plaza has prepared a series of thrilling and exciting activities for you that are sure to get your heart racing and keep the surprises coming! 🎃 Save Infinitus Pumpkin 🎃 The guardians of joyful magic—the Pumpkin Spirits—have been captured by the Evil King! Your mission is to rescue three Pumpkin Spirits or track down the elusive Evil King, who occasionally appears with a rare key. Successfully completing these tasks will earn you a special Halloween gift! You’ll also encounter the Infinitus Joy Witch and ghost warriors on-site to boost your courage on this adventurous journey. 👻 Tenants Exclusive — Dare Challenge 👻 Do you have the courage? Take on the challenge of the mystery box by putting your hand inside and discovering the hidden surprises. Test your bravery and see if you have what it takes to be a true hero! 🍬 Tenants Exclusive — Trick or Treat 🍬 What’s Halloween without the classic “Trick or Treat” moment? Put on your Halloween costume, flash a sweet smile, and go candy hunting. Let’s fill this Halloween night with fun and surprises! *Limited seats only, first come first served. ^Terms and Conditions apply. Infinitus Plaza reserves the right of final decision in case of any dispute. Photos are for reference only. #創造更快樂的地方 #萬聖節 #萬聖節快樂 #不給糖就搗蛋 #HappyMoment #infinitusplaza #halloween #happyhalloween #pumpkin #spooky

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