
【父親節限定Happy Hour:精彩回顧】 Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza一向致力於與大家共創更快樂的工作環...

【父親節限定Happy Hour:精彩回顧】 Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza一向致力於與大家共創更快樂的工作環境,並鼓勵租戶之間的友好交流。本次父親節限定Happy Hour中,很高興能夠看到大家舉杯暢飲,在愉快的氛圍中結識新朋友,分享點滴的美好,歡樂的氛圍包裹著我們每一個人😊。 特別致謝我們的快樂大使,不但精心布置現場,親手製作小食,希望未來的活動能夠給大家帶來更多驚喜和感動。Cheer 🥂~ 【Father’s Day Special Happy Hour - Event Highlights】 Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza is always dedicated to creating a happier working environment for everyone, encouraging friendly interactions among tenants. During this Father’s Day special Happy Hour, we were delighted to see everyone raising their glasses, meeting new friends, and sharing life’s little joys. The cheerful atmosphere embraced us all 😊. A heartfelt thanks to our Happiness Ambassadors who not only beautifully decorated the venue but also handcrafted tasty snacks. We strive to bring more surprises and heartfelt experiences in future events. Cheers 🥂~ #創造更快樂的地方 #父親節 #父親節快樂 #HappyMoment #infinitusplaza #happyhour #wine #gathering #networking #community #happinessambassador


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