
【打造健康生活方式 租戶尊享「輕量健身班」開放報名中】 對於許多上班族而言,「fitness」似乎是一件遙...

【打造健康生活方式 租戶尊享「輕量健身班」開放報名中】 對於許多上班族而言,「fitness」似乎是一件遙不可及的事。 想要充分利用碎片時間做運動,又不必支付昂貴的健身房費用?Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza全新推出的「輕量健身班」一定非常適合你!星級導師Henry Chan將會帶領大家利用自身體重進行鍛煉,在短時間内强化核心,喚醒沉睡的肌肉群,更能有效緩解長時間久坐久站帶來的不良影響🤩。 讓我們一同釋放工作壓力,享受運動樂趣,迎接更健康有活力的自己吧💪🏻! 日期:14, 21, 28/5(二) 時間:1pm-2pm 費用:HK $120/位 名額:15位 語言:廣東話 地點:6/F, Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza *名額有限,先到先得。 ^受條款及細則約束。如有任何爭議,無限極廣場保留最終決定權。 【Build a Healthy Lifestyle: Tenants-exclusive ”Fitness Lite Class“ Now Open for Registration】 For many office workers, ”fitness“ seems like an unattainable goal. Want to make the most of your spare time for exercise without having to pay expensive gym fees? Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza’s brand new ”Fitness Lite Class“ is perfect for you! Star instructor Henry Chan will lead everyone in using their own body weight for training, strengthening the core, awakening dormant muscle groups, and effectively alleviating the adverse effects of prolonged sitting or standing 🤩. Let‘s release work stress together, enjoy the fun of exercise, and embrace a healthier and more energetic self 💪🏻! Date: 14, 21, 28/5 (Tue) Time: 1pm-2pm Fee: HK $120/pax Quota: 15 Language: Cantonese Venue: 6/F, Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza *Limited seats only, first come first served. ^Terms and Conditions apply. Infinitus Plaza reserves the right of final decision in case of any dispute. #創造更快樂的地方 #健身 #輕量健身 #HappyMoment #infinitusplaza #gym #workout #health #fitness


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