
【減少廚餘 增添綠意 Reduce Food Waste, Add More Greenery】


想要為環保行多步?歡迎來Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza Recycling Corner和我們的新夥伴 — 環保厨餘機見面啦!它能夠將厨餘轉化成有機肥料,並為自家的天台有機農場的植物們提供養分🌾。歡迎大家在午餐後將自己的厨餘帶來,一同變廢爲寶🍽️💚。


According to the Environmental Protection Department, around 3,300 tonnes of food waste are sent to landfills in Hong Kong every day, making it the largest category (≈30%) of all disposed municipal solid waste.

Want to take an extra step for the environment? Come visit the recycling corner at Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza and meet our new friend — the eco-friendly food waste machine! It can transform food waste into organic fertilizer, providing nutrients for the plants in our rooftop organic farm 🌾. We welcome everyone to bring their food waste after lunch and join us in turning waste into treasure 🍽️💚.

Every small effort can make a big difference for the planet. Let’s take action together!

#創造更快樂的地方 #廚餘機 #有機肥料 #可持續發展 #綠色生活 #HappyMoment #infinitusplaza #urbanfarming #greenliving #gogreen #ecofriendly #ESG #sustainability #sustainabilityIP


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