
【新春環保創意 —「環保利是封燈籠工作坊」等你DIY】 每逢新春佳節,一封封利是承載著我們對親朋的祝福和...

【新春環保創意 —「環保利是封燈籠工作坊」等你DIY】 每逢新春佳節,一封封利是承載著我們對親朋的祝福和心意🧧。但隨著新年過去,它們又將何去何從? 今年,不如來參加Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza的「環保利是封燈籠工作坊」,過一個環保又有創意的新年!色彩繽紛的利是封將會在大家的巧手下被賦予第二次生命,成為一個個獨特的紅燈籠🏮。不僅如此,您還可以選擇將完成的燈籠掛上無限極廣場的桃花樹,與大家一同分享這一份喜慶祥和的節日氣氛,為新一年增添更多色彩。 歡迎大家攜帶家中的利是封,但現場亦會提供!期待在工作坊中見到你,與您一同用燈籠點亮新一年的美好✨。 日期:1月17日(五) 時間:1pm-2pm 費用:免費 名額:20位 語言:廣東話 地點:6/F, Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza *名額有限,先到先得。 ^受條款及細則約束。如有任何爭議,無限極廣場保留最終決定權。圖片只供參考。 【Celebrate a Green New Year with Our ESG Red Packet Lantern Workshop】 During the Lunar New Year, every red packet carries our blessings and heartfelt wishes for family and friends 🧧. But what happens to them once the celebrations are over? This year, why not join the ESG Red Packet Lantern Workshop at Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza and enjoy a creative and eco-friendly New Year? Under your skillful hands, these colorful red packets will be transformed into unique red lanterns 🏮, giving them a second life. You’ll even have the chance to hang your completed lantern on Infinitus Plaza’s peach blossom tree, sharing the festive joy and harmony with everyone while brightening up the New Year with vibrant colors. Feel free to bring along red packets from home, or use the ones provided at the workshop. We look forward to seeing you there and creating beautiful lanterns together to light up the New Year with joy and creativity✨! Date: 17 January (Fri) Time: 1pm-2pm Fee: Free Quota: 20 Language: Cantonese Venue: 6/F, Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza *Limited seats only, first come first served. ^Terms and Conditions apply. Infinitus Plaza reserves the right of final decision in case of any dispute. Photos are for reference only. #創造更快樂的地方 #環保燈籠 #利是封 #賀年工作坊 #新年快樂 #恭喜發財 #HappyMoment #infinitusplaza #CNY #happynewyear #redpacket #lantern #ESG #sustainability #sustainabilityIP


【歡樂無限萬聖夜 — Halloween怪奇冒險之旅來襲】 萬聖節將至,無限極廣場特別為大家準備了一系列精彩有趣...


