
【聖誕樹下的驚喜 - 「環保聖誕老人交換禮物活動」】 聖誕節是分享與感恩的季節,無限極廣場誠邀您參加別...

【聖誕樹下的驚喜 - 「環保聖誕老人交換禮物活動」】 聖誕節是分享與感恩的季節,無限極廣場誠邀您參加別具意義的「環保聖誕老人交換禮物活動」,以特別的方式傳遞暖意。 參與方式簡單有趣,您只需於12月13前,將一份包裝妥當的聖誕禮物放置於樹下🎄,並於12月20日前再次來到聖誕樹旁,挑選一份其他人為您精心准備的禮物🎁,為自己增添一份節日驚喜。 無限極廣場一向致力於可持續發展,倡導「分享不浪費」。不論是小巧別緻的手工藝品亦或是實用貼心的小物件,這些禮物都能為收禮者帶來無限快樂。期待與您攜手度過這個歡樂又暖心的綠色聖誕💚~ 日期:即日起至12月13日 地點:地下禮賓部 或6/F, Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza 【Surprises Under the Christmas Tree – “Eco-Friendly Secret Santa Gift Exchange”】 Christmas is a season of sharing and gratitude, and Infinitus Plaza warmly invites you to join the meaningful “Eco-Friendly Secret Santa Gift Exchange” to spread joy in a unique way. Participating is simple and fun 🎄! Before December 13, bring a thoughtfully wrapped Christmas gift and place it under the tree. Then, by December 20, return to the tree to pick out a gift specially prepared by someone else, adding an extra layer of surprise to your holiday celebrations 🎁. Infinitus Plaza is committed to sustainable development and promotes the concept of “sharing, not wasting.” Whether it’s a delicate handmade item or a practical and thoughtful gift, these treasures are sure to bring happiness to their recipients. Let’s come together to celebrate a joyful and heartwarming green Christmas 💚! Date: From today to December 13 Location: G/F, Concierge or 6/F, Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza #創造更快樂的地方 #聖誕快樂 #聖誕節 #聖誕快樂 #HappyMoment #infinitusplaza #market #merrychristmas #santa #secrectsanta #xmas


【手作蝴蝶酥 — 2025好運一口咬定】 過新年當然少不了一份有心意又具寓意的伴手禮。不如親手製作一份獨特...


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