
【租戶尊享「環保聖誕創意工作坊」開放報名中】 又到聖誕🔔又到聖誕🔔~ 過節怎麼少得了親手DIY一些充滿節...

【租戶尊享「環保聖誕創意工作坊」開放報名中】 又到聖誕🔔又到聖誕🔔~ 過節怎麼少得了親手DIY一些充滿節日氣氛的手作呢🎅🏻?你準備好讓這個聖誕節更加與眾不同了嗎?Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza特別為大家帶來一連串精彩有趣且租戶尊享的「環保聖誕創意工作坊」,讓大家在感受手工藝樂趣的同時,也能沉浸在濃濃的聖誕氛圍中。 工作坊內容包括: ☃️超萌必學 益力多雪人聖誕環保掛飾工作坊 🍫香脆可口 朱古力脆脆松果球 🌸暖意融融 聖誕暖心榛子小花圈 🎄綠意滿滿 聖誕手作花圈工作坊 每個工作坊都為節日增添滿滿儀式感,更是送禮自用皆宜🎁。立即透過無限極廣場APP報名,與我們一起打造屬於你的聖誕快樂回憶吧! 【Tenants Exclusive Eco-Friendly Christmas Workshops Now Open for Registration】 The holiday season is here🔔~ What’s Christmas without some DIY holiday crafts filled with festive vibes 🎅🏻? Are you ready to make this Christmas truly special? Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza has prepared a series of exciting and exclusive eco-friendly Christmas workshops for tenants. Enjoy the joy of crafting while soaking in the magical Christmas spirit. Workshop Highlights: ☃️ Don’t Miss: Eco-Snowman Decor Workshop 🍫 Crunchy & Sweet: Cocoa Crunch Xmas Cones 🌸 Heartwarming Touch: Xmas Spice Wreath 🎄 Festive Elegance: Jingle Bell Wreath Each workshop is designed to add a special ritual to your holiday celebrations, making them perfect for gifting or keeping as cherished decorations 🎁. Register now via the Infinitus Plaza App and create your own joyful Christmas memories with us! #創造更快樂的地方 #聖誕快樂 #聖誕工作坊 #工作坊 #聖誕節 #聖誕樹 #聖誕花環 #HappyMoment #infinitusplaza #christmasworkshop #merrychristmas #santa #xmas


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