
【廚餘變寶 天台農場再升級】 又有好消息要和大家分享,一向大受好評的「天台有機耕作工作坊」已於9月重...

【廚餘變寶 天台農場再升級】 又有好消息要和大家分享,一向大受好評的「天台有機耕作工作坊」已於9月重磅回歸! 這次的工作坊全面升級,新增了「廚餘再生」這一大亮點。原本不起眼的午餐廚餘將搖身一變,成為營養滿滿的有機肥料,讓每一株菜苗都充滿生命力💚。這也代表著我們一同在環保的道路上邁出了更大的一步,為地球的未來增添更多綠色可能🌱! 趕快透過無限極廣場APP報名留位,體驗在城市中種植的樂趣,為綠色明天出一分力~ 日期: 24 Oct 2024 時間: 1-2pm 【Food Waste Turns to Treasure: Rooftop Farm Upgraded】 We have more exciting news to share! The highly popular ”Rooftop Organic Farming Workshop“ has been returned in September! This time, the workshop has been fully upgraded, with the addition of an exciting new feature: ”Food Waste Recycling.“ The seemingly ordinary lunch leftovers will be transformed into nutrient-rich organic fertilizer, giving every plant new life and vitality 💚. This also means that together we are taking a bigger step on the path of environmental protection, adding more green possibilities for the future of our planet 🌱! Hurry up and sign up through the Infinitus Plaza APP to secure your spot, experience the joy of planting in the city, and contribute to a greener tomorrow~ #創造更快樂的地方 #天台有機耕作工作坊 #天台農場 #廚餘機 #有機肥料 #可持續發展 #綠色生活 #HappyMoment #infinitusplaza #urbanfarming #greenliving #gogreen #ecofriendly #ESG #sustainability #sustainabilityIP


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