
【無限極廣場新年特別活動 精彩回顧】 上週,無限極廣場舉辦了熱鬧喜慶的賀新春活動。我們齊聚一堂製作綠...

【無限極廣場新年特別活動 精彩回顧】 上週,無限極廣場舉辦了熱鬧喜慶的賀新春活動。我們齊聚一堂製作綠色環保的賀年揮春,不但賦予舊利是封第二次生命🧧,更將傳統文化傳承、創新,為新一年添上美好祝願。 而本次活動的另一大亮點則是「路德會慈善愛心義賣」。幾位長者義工帶來了精心手製的賀年精品,尤其是手作燈籠受到大家的連連稱贊。本次義賣不但成功為路德會籌得逾HK $2000善款,更為老人家們帶來了滿滿的幸福和成就感。 無限極廣場一向致力於打造充滿溫度且歡樂友好的上環社區。未來我們將會舉辦更多類似的精彩活動,期待與大家再次相聚,共度美好時光🎉 ~ 【Infinitus Plaza’s CNY Celebration – Event Highlights】 Last week, Infinitus Plaza hosted a lively and joyous Lunar New Year celebration event. We gathered together to DIY eco-friendly Fai Chun 🧧, giving used red packets a second life while also preserving and innovating traditional culture, adding beautiful blessings to the new year. Another highlight of the event was the ”Lutheran Church Charity Sale“. Several elderly volunteers brought crafted Lunar New Year gifts, especially handmade lanterns, which received much praise from everyone. Not only did the charity sale successfully raise over HK$2000 for the Lutheran Church, but it also brought great happiness and a sense of achievement to the elderly. Infinitus Plaza has always been committed to creating a warm and joyful community in Sheung Wan. In the future, we will organise more exciting activities and look forward to gathering with everyone again to enjoy wonderful moments together 🎉 ~ #創造更快樂的地方 #新年 #新年快樂 #揮春 #惜物重用 #綠色生活 #HappyMoment #infinitusplaza #CNY #happynewyear #faichun #ESG #sustainability #sustainabilityIP


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