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【創意迎新春 — 「蛇年揮春戳戳綉」開放報名中】 農曆新年將至🧧,你想好如何迎接蛇年的到來了嗎?不如來...

【創意迎新春 — 「蛇年揮春戳戳綉」開放報名中】 農曆新年將至🧧,你想好如何迎接蛇年的到來了嗎?不如來參加Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza特別呈獻的「蛇年揮春戳戳綉」創意工作坊吧! 本次工作坊將傳統新年揮春與戳戳綉手工藝術巧妙融合,讓您發揮想象力,親手縫織出專屬於您的農曆新年揮春。相信這些承載著滿滿祝福的揮春,既能為您的家居增添濃濃的新年氣氛,又能帶來來年的好運與歡樂✨。 名額有限,記得提前透過無限極廣場APP報名留位,與我們一同編織一份溫暖而浪漫的年節祝福吧! 日期:1月22日(三) 時間:1pm-2pm 費用:HK $100 名額:10位 語言:廣東話 地點:6/F, Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza *名額有限,先到先得。 ^受條款及細則約束。如有任何爭議,無限極廣場保留最終決定權。圖片只供參考。 【Celebrate the Lunar New Year — ”Punch Needle Spring Couplet Workshop“ Registration Now Open】 As the Lunar New Year approaches 🧧, why not welcome the Year of the Snake in a unique and creative way? Join Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza for our special ”Punch Needle Spring Couplet Workshop“! This workshop blends the tradition of spring couplets with the charm of punch needle embroidery, allowing you to craft a personalized New Year decoration. Each stitch carries heartfelt blessings, making your creation a meaningful addition to your home or a thoughtful gift that spreads joy and good fortune ✨. Spaces are limited, so don’t forget to sign up through the Infinitus Plaza App. Let’s celebrate the season with creativity, warmth, and festive cheer! Date: 22 January (Wed) Time: 1pm-2pm Fee: HK $100 Quota: 10 Language: Cantonese Venue: 6/F, Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza *Limited seats only, first come first served. ^Terms and Conditions apply. Infinitus Plaza reserves the right of final decision in case of any dispute. Photos are for reference only. #創造更快樂的地方 #新年快樂 #戳戳繡 #創意手作 #HappyMoment #infinitusplaza #tufting #happynewyear #CNY #handcraft #DIY

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