INSpire Hub

【喚醒健康 — 租戶專享普拉提課程】 11月即將到來,Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza誠意為大家獻上全新「H...

【喚醒健康 — 租戶專享普拉提課程】 11月即將到來,Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza誠意為大家獻上全新「Healthy November」系列活動,邀請大家一同邁入健康生活的行列! 本次活動的亮點是我們特別推出的免費普拉提課程🧘🏻‍♀️,專為工作忙碌的都市人群設計。普拉提能夠幫助大家鍛煉身體內部不常用的肌肉,增強核心穩定性,在優雅中塑造理想身形,在一呼一吸間感受內外和諧的協調性。不論您是普拉提愛好者還是零基礎新手,都能在這裡找到屬於自己的步調😌。 歡迎大家邀上同事們一同透過無限極廣場App報名,逐步喚醒內在力量,享受健康快樂又活力滿滿的Healthy November~ 日期:11月5,12,19,26日(二) 時間:1pm-2pm 費用:免費 名額:10位 語言:廣東話 地點:6/F, Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza *名額有限,先到先得。 ^受條款及細則約束。如有任何爭議,無限極廣場保留最終決定權。 【Awaken Your Health – Tenant Exclusive Pilates Classes Now】 November is just around the corner, and Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza is excited to present the brand new “Healthy November” series of events, inviting everyone to join us on the path to a healthier lifestyle! The highlight of this event is our specially designed free Pilates classes 🧘🏻‍♀️, created for busy urban professionals. Pilates helps to strengthen rarely used internal muscles, enhance core stability, and sculpt an ideal body shape with grace. Through each breath and movement, you’ll experience the harmonious balance between body and mind. Whether you‘re a Pilates enthusiast or a complete beginner, you’ll find your own pace in these sessions 😌. Feel free to invite your colleagues to join, and sign up through the Infinitus Plaza app. Gradually awaken your inner strength and enjoy a Healthy November filled with energy, happiness, and well-being! Date: 5,12,19,26 August (Tue) Time: 1pm-2pm Fee: Free Quota: 10 Language: Cantonese Venue: 6/F, Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza *Limited seats only, first come first served. ^Terms and Conditions apply. Infinitus Plaza reserves the right of final decision in case of any dispute. #創造更快樂的地方 #普拉提 #健身 #HappyMoment #infinitusplaza #pilates #pilateslovers #pilateslife #ilovepilates #shapeyourbody

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