INSpire Hub

【幽靈廚房開張!萬聖節烘焙手作巡禮來襲!】 不給糖就搗蛋!萬聖節即將來臨🎃,你準備好迎接這個神秘又有...

【幽靈廚房開張!萬聖節烘焙手作巡禮來襲!】 不給糖就搗蛋!萬聖節即將來臨🎃,你準備好迎接這個神秘又有趣的節日了嗎?不如來參加Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza的萬聖節限定工作坊吧! 我們精心籌備了一系列以萬聖節為主題的烘焙工作坊,讓大家在濃濃的節日氣氛中,有得食又有得玩,盡情享受獨屬於萬聖節的奇幻和驚喜。 🔸工作坊日期及費用🔸 🧁濃郁風味 — 芝士南瓜烘焙班(10月14日,HK $100) 🧁得意趣怪 — 木乃伊腸仔烘焙班(10月16日,HK $100) 🧁假鬼假怪 — 萬聖節Cupcake烘焙班(10月21日,HK $100) 🧁驚喜交集 — 朱古力士多啤梨嘩鬼烘焙班(10月23日,HK $100) 🧁點亮奇幻夜 — 迷你南瓜燈製作班(10月30日,HK $120) 🔸工作坊時間(每班兩節)🔸 第一節:12-1pm 第二節:1-2pm 歡迎大家前來開心烘焙,記得預早透過無限極廣場APP報名留位~ *名額有限,先到先得。 ^受條款及細則約束。如有任何爭議,無限極廣場保留最終決定權。圖片只供參考。 【Ghost Kitchen Opens! Halloween Baking Crafts Parade is Here】 Trick or treat! 🎃 Halloween is just around the corner—are you ready for this mysterious and fun-filled celebration? Come join the Halloween limited workshop at Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza! We‘ve carefully prepared a series of Halloween-themed baking workshops, where you can enjoy the festive atmosphere, have fun, and indulge in the magic and surprises unique to Halloween. 🔸 Workshop Themes and Fees 🔸 🧁 Rich Flavor — Cheese Pumpkin (14 Oct, HK $100) 🧁 Delightfully Spooky — Mummy Dog (16 Oct, HK $100) 🧁 Spooky Fun — Halloween Cupcake (21 Oct, HK $100) 🧁 Surprise Encounter — Chocolate Strawberry Ghost (23 Oct, HK $100) 🧁 Light Up the Magic Night — Mini Pumpkin Lights (30 Oct, HK $120) We warmly invite everyone to join in the baking fun! Remember to register in advance through the Infinitus Plaza app to reserve your spot~ *Limited seats only, first come first served. ^Terms and Conditions apply. Infinitus Plaza reserves the right of final decision in case of any dispute. Photos are for reference only. #創造更快樂的地方 #萬聖節 #萬聖節快樂 #不給糖就搗蛋 #甜點 #蛋糕 #HappyMoment #infinitusplaza #halloween #happyhalloween #baking #pumpkin #cupcake #spooky

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