
【用愛編織希望 一同為善心助力】 無限極廣場一向致力於支持社區建設,希望透過行動幫助更多有需要的人。...

【用愛編織希望 一同為善心助力】 無限極廣場一向致力於支持社區建設,希望透過行動幫助更多有需要的人。 近日,我們很榮幸邀請到來自路德會馬頭圍長者中心「耆藝老作義工隊」的公公婆婆們,以親手製作的小手工藝品進行慈善義賣,其中包括有精致可愛的手織AirPods袋和杯墊🧶,美觀與實用兼備的擴香石等🌿。這些手工藝品深受大家的喜愛,顧客更踴躍與長者義工交流,銷情理想。 本次活動不但讓公公婆婆們有機會挑戰新技能,提升自信與滿足感,更為他們的生活注入了更多快樂與期待。我們亦十分高興能夠為他們提供一個展示自己的平台😊。 未來我們將會舉辦更多類似活動,幫助不同背景和需要的人士。記得密切關注我們的Facebook專頁和Instagram page,和我們一同為社區注入更多能量💖。 【Weaving Hope with Love – Join Us to Support a Worthy Cause】 Infinitus Plaza has always been committed to supporting community development and extending help to those in need through meaningful actions. Recently, we were honoured to invite a group of seniors volunteering team from Ma Tau Wai Lutheran Centre for the Elderly to hold a charity sale featuring their handcrafted items. These included adorable knitted AirPods cases and coasters 🧶, as well as beautifully practical aroma stones 🌿. The handmade creations were a big hit, and customers are eager to engage with the elderly volunteers, resulting in ideal sales. This event not only gave the seniors an opportunity to learn new skills, boosting their confidence and sense of fulfillment, but also brought more joy and hope to their daily lives. We were delighted to provide a platform for them to showcase their talents 😊. We plan to organise more activities like this in the future to help individuals from diverse backgrounds and with different needs. Be sure to follow our Facebook and Instagram pages to join us in bringing more positive energy to the community 💖. #創造更快樂的地方 #路德會 #慈善 #手作 #HappyMoment #infinitusplaza #lutheran #charity #handmade #DIY #love #community


【七型動物性格解析:你是哪一型?】 無限極廣場榮幸地邀請到MIQI公司到臨,為租戶們舉行一場特別的講座,...


【為健康加油 — 元氣滿滿每一天】 Healthy November正在火熱進行中! 感謝我們的普拉提導師Cybil Poon帶...
