
又有好消息要和大家宣佈! 香港無限極廣場榮獲SmartScore金獎,是全港首個獲此獎項的現有大廈。 這項殊榮...

又有好消息要和大家宣佈! 香港無限極廣場榮獲SmartScore金獎,是全港首個獲此獎項的現有大廈。 這項殊榮不但肯定了我們作為智慧型商廈的卓越成就,也彰顯了我們在打造優質用戶體驗,倡導可持續發展和不斷提升營運成本效率方面所作出的不懈努力,並始終確保以發展的理念面向未來。 H Properties高度重視物業管理的發展和創新,包括為租戶配備先進的智能技術和安全系統等,同時亦透過持續高效的溝通和改進以確保租戶滿意度。 衷心感謝香港無限極廣場團隊每一位的辛勤付出! 讓我們攜手打造智慧型大廈的新標準,共創未來。 Exciting News from Hong Kong Infinitus Plaza! We are proud to announce that Hong Kong Infinitus Plaza is the FIRST existing building to achieve the Gold level in SmartScore certification! This prestigious recognition establishes us as a best-in-class smart building that excels in delivering an exceptional user experience, meeting high sustainability standards, and driving cost operational efficiency to ensure our building is future-proof. At H Properties, we are committed to excellence and innovation in property management. Our focus on smart technology equips our tenants with advanced features and security systems, while our dedication to tenant satisfaction ensures a seamless experience through efficient communication and maintenance. A heartfelt thank you to everyone on Hong Kong Infinitus Plaza team who has contributed to this journey! Together, we are setting new standards in smart building management. #HProperties #InfinitusPlaza #SmartScore #SmartScoreGold #HongKong #SmartBuilding


【聖誕樹下的驚喜 - 「環保聖誕老人交換禮物活動」】 聖誕節是分享與感恩的季節,無限極廣場誠邀您參加別...


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