
【花語傳情 — Nectar Flowers呈獻浪漫祝福】 聖誕節悄然臨近,何不以一份獨特的心意,將愛意傳遞給摯愛的...

【花語傳情 — Nectar Flowers呈獻浪漫祝福】 聖誕節悄然臨近,何不以一份獨特的心意,將愛意傳遞給摯愛的家人和朋友? Nectar flowers @nectarflowershk 精心設計了一系列聖誕限定花禮💐,為您的佳節增添更多浪漫色彩。從典雅精緻的聖誕花環,到洋溢濃濃節日氣息的小聖誕樹,以及造型優雅的節日主題鮮花,每一束花都象徵著滿滿的心意。 花朵的語言勝過千言萬語,歡迎大家親臨Nectar Flowers,將這份專屬的夢幻祝福🌷,送給您最重要的人~ 地點:Shop G13, G/F, Nectar Flowers, Infinitus Plaza *花束製作需時,請提前預訂。 ^受條款及細則約束。如有任何爭議,無限極廣場保留最終決定權。圖片只供參考。 【A Language of Love – Nectar Flowers Presents Romantic Blessings】 As Christmas approaches, why not express your love and affection with a thoughtful and unique gift for your beloved family and friends? Nectar Flowers has carefully designed a range of exclusive Christmas floral arrangements 💐 to add a touch of romance to your celebrations. From elegant and exquisite Christmas wreaths to festive mini Christmas trees and gracefully styled seasonal blooms, each bouquet symbolizes heartfelt emotions. The language of flowers speaks louder than words. Visit Nectar Flowers and share this dreamy and exclusive blessing 🌷 with the ones who matter most to you~ Venue: Shop G13, G/F, Nectar Flowers, Infinitus Plaza *Bouquet preparation requires time; kindly make your reservations early. ^Terms and Conditions apply. Infinitus Plaza reserves the right of final decision in case of any dispute. Photos are for reference only. #創造更快樂的地方 #聖誕快樂 #聖誕節 #聖誕快樂 #聖誕花束 #花藝 #HappyMoment #infinitusplaza #market #merrychristmas #santa #xmas #flower


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