
【DIY寵物香薰精油— 打造舒緩寵物情緒的噴霧】 本次「DIY寵物香薰工作坊」由本地提供優質寵物保姆服務的社...

【DIY寵物香薰精油— 打造舒緩寵物情緒的噴霧】 本次「DIY寵物香薰工作坊」由本地提供優質寵物保姆服務的社企——Senior CID主辦,為大家講解如何製作天然的寵物香薰精油🌸。International Federation of Aromatherapists (IFA)註冊香薰師將分享寵物香薰精油的基本知識,並帶領大家配搭不同天然材料,打造舒緩寵物情緒的噴霧。 此外,所有參加者還將獲得一張由Senior CID提供的「寵物保姆服務禮券」🎁,讓大家在未來忙碌的日子裡,能安心把愛寵交給專業人士照顧。 名額有限,記得透過無限極廣場APP報名,一同為毛孩們打造更快樂的生活✨~ 【DIY Pet Aroma Oil Workshop – Craft a Calming Spray for Your Furry Friends】 Join us at the ”DIY Pet Aroma Oil Workshop,“ hosted by Senior CID, a local social enterprise offering high-quality pet-sitting services, to learn how to make natural pet-friendly aroma oils 🌸. An International Federation of Aromatherapists (IFA) certified aromatherapist will introduce essential knowledge about pet-safe aromatherapy, guiding you through mixing natural ingredients to create a soothing spray designed to comfort your pets. All participants will also receive a Pet Sitting Service Voucher from Senior CID 🎁, giving you the option to entrust your pets to skilled caregivers on busy days. Limited spots available! Sign up via the Infinitus Plaza app and let’s create a happier, calmer environment for our beloved pets✨~ #創造更快樂的地方 #寵物保姆 #香薰 #HappyMoment #infinitusplaza #SeniorCID #petsitter #petstagram #aroma


【無限極廣場新年特別活動 精彩回顧】 上週,無限極廣場舉辦了熱鬧喜慶的賀新春活動。我們齊聚一堂製作綠...


🎉 Infinitus Xmas Market is now open! 🎁 Come and discover the perfect Christmas gifts for your lov...
