
【手作蝴蝶酥 — 2025好運一口咬定】 過新年當然少不了一份有心意又具寓意的伴手禮。不如親手製作一份獨特...

【手作蝴蝶酥 — 2025好運一口咬定】 過新年當然少不了一份有心意又具寓意的伴手禮。不如親手製作一份獨特的賀年蝴蝶酥,為新春佳節增添一抹甜蜜與心意💖。 Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza誠意為大家帶來租戶專享「賀年蝴蝶酥工作坊」,讓您在享受手作樂趣的同時,亦感受到滿滿的年味!這款蝴蝶酥口感酥脆,甜而不膩,是天然健康的絕佳之選。而精美的蝴蝶造型更寓意著來年展翅高飛的新年願景🦋,讓新一年的幸福從這裡啟程。 立即透過無限極廣場APP報名,與我們一起迎接這份屬於新年的甜蜜祝福吧! 日期:1月13日(一) 時間:1pm-2pm 費用:HK $50 名額:8位 語言:廣東話 地點:6/F, Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza *名額有限,先到先得。 ^受條款及細則約束。如有任何爭議,無限極廣場保留最終決定權。圖片只供參考。 【Handmade Palmier – A Bite of Good Fortune for 2025】 No Lunar New Year celebration is complete without a thoughtful and meaningful gift. Why not handcraft your own unique New Year palmiers, adding a touch of sweetness and sincerity to the festivities 💖? Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza is excited to offer an exclusive New Year Palmier Workshop for tenants. Enjoy the joy of making these delicious pastries while soaking in the festive spirit! With a perfect balance of crispiness and just the right amount of sweetness, these palmiers are a healthy and delightful treat for everyone. The elegant butterfly shape represents soaring success and new beginnings 🦋, symbolizing a year of happiness and good fortune. Sign up now through the Infinitus Plaza app and join us in welcoming the New Year with sweet blessings! Date: 13 January (Mon) Time: 1pm-2pm Fee: HK $50 Quota: 8 Language: Cantonese Venue: 6/F, Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza *Limited seats only, first come first served. ^Terms and Conditions apply. Infinitus Plaza reserves the right of final decision in case of any dispute. Photos are for reference only. #創造更快樂的地方 #蝴蝶酥 #新年禮盒 #新年快樂 #恭喜發財 #HappyMoment #infinitusplaza #dessert #palmier #happynewyear #CNY #handmade #sweet


【打造健康生活方式 租戶尊享「輕量健身班」開放報名中】 對於許多上班族而言,「fitness」似乎是一件遙...


【叮叮叮! It’s time for Tram Party】 2024年已接近尾聲,這一年承載了我們無數的快樂時光與回憶。現在,...
