
【幸福滿載— 「Happier CNY Market」與您共迎新春佳節】 春節將至,是時候與摯愛親朋一同迎接嶄新的開始!...

【幸福滿載— 「Happier CNY Market」與您共迎新春佳節】 春節將至,是時候與摯愛親朋一同迎接嶄新的開始! 無限極廣場精心呈獻「Happier CNY Market」,為您帶來滿載幸福感的年味與驚喜。15個特色品牌齊聚獻禮,從甜蜜誘人的各式甜品🍪,象徵團圓的賀年糕點🍡,到精緻優雅的異國工藝飾物💎,每一樣都是送禮或自用的完美之選。 歡迎大家邀上家人朋友,與我們一同迎接這個幸福滿溢的新春佳節吧! 日期:即日起至1月24日 時間:11am - 9pm 地點:上環德輔道中199號無限極廣場地下G/F 【Happiness in Full Bloom – Celebrate the Lunar New Year with "Happier CNY Market"】 As the Lunar New Year approaches, it’s the perfect time to welcome a fresh start with your loved ones! Infinitus Plaza proudly presents the "Happier CNY Market," bringing you a festive celebration filled with joy and surprises. Discover treasures from 15 unique brands, including delectable desserts 🍪, traditional Lunar New Year cakes 🍡 symbolizing togetherness, and elegant artisan jewelry 💎. Every item is a thoughtful choice for gifts or personal indulgence. Gather your family and friends, and join us to celebrate a joyous and heartwarming Lunar New Year at Infinitus Plaza! Date: Today till 24 January Time: 11am - 9pm Venue: G/F, Infinitus Plaza, 199 Des Voeux Road Central, Sheung Wan #創造更快樂的地方 #新年快樂 #香港市集 #上環好去處 #HappyMoment #infinitusplaza #market #CNY #happynewyear


【租戶專享:百田遊園免費體驗日】 想要放鬆心情迎接Happy Friday?想要與小朋友共度溫馨親子時光?無限極...


【叮叮叮! It’s time for Tram Party】 2024年已接近尾聲,這一年承載了我們無數的快樂時光與回憶。現在,...
